Translucent blocks

It’s that time of the month again when my inspiration is through the roof!

This time I came here to share a new and very light and transparent feature with readers. The game now features semi-decent translucent voxel rendering!

The feature is not yet in a public test release so you’d have to build the game yourself and run the server alongside it (a new voxel ID always marks a new protocol version since the server doesn’t do voxel registry checks yet).

How does it work

Be advised: tech language ahead :D

The voxel registry supported blending flags already, however it wasn’t a thing for rendering and meshing. The way I implemented blending is by adding a separate mesh for each chunk and rendering it with different parameters twice.

Both times the mesh is rendered with blending enabled; first time only back-faces are rendered, second time only forward-faces are rendered, making voxels look decent.

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